Better Air is pioneering safe, environmental probiotic protection against indoor toxins, including mold, fungi, and infectious bacteria.

BioZone Probiotics™ is the only comprehensive, holistic solution to protect people from these hazards.

BioZone Probiotics™ restores and then preserves the natural balance of our indoor ecosystems, creating healthy environments in homes, offices, schools, and shared community spaces. Immediate benefits of installing BetterAir's BioZone Probiotics™ system include:

  • • Dramatic reduction of allergens.
  • • Bio-Security: an overall decrease in pathogen survival and accumulation including germs, mold, and allergens.
  • • Suppression of bad odor generated by pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and mold activity.
  • • Restoration of fresh air without masking smells with artificial, harmful perfumes.

Following a decade of product development by expert biologists and engineers, including four years of international field research at large commercial sites,we have proved BioZone Probiotics™ protects millions of people, and we are proud to introduce our technology to consumers.